Terms and Conditions

The information on this website is hosted by Hg Foundation, a charitable incorporated organisation existing under the laws of England and Wales (registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales under charity number 1189216) with its registered office at 2 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2AP (“Hg Foundation”, “we”, “us”, etc.).

Please read these website terms & conditions (“Terms”) before proceeding to view our website.  You understand that your use of the website, no matter how accessed, constitutes your agreement to the Terms, including but not limited to our Privacy Policy and Cookies Notice, as amended from time to time.

Intellectual Property

The trademarks, service marks and logos shown on this website are either owned by us or licenced to us. Nothing in these Terms, or on this website, should be construed as granting any licence or right to use any of these trademarks displayed.

Downloading or other copying from this site does not transfer to you title to any material or software. Should you download or copy material from this site no copyright or other proprietary notices may be removed. Hg Foundation reserves all rights with respects to copyright and trademark ownership of all material on this site and will enforce such rights to the full extent permitted by law.

No Advice

The contents of this site have been prepared solely for information purposes and Hg Foundation’s communications are only directed at actual or potential grant recipients, potential donors, and alike eligible parties. They are not directed at any other person.

Access in Non-UK Jurisdictions

Hg Foundation does not represent that any materials on this site are appropriate for use, or permitted by local laws, in all jurisdictions. Those accessing the site do so of their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. In particular, the site is not directed at any person resident in any jurisdiction where, under local law or regulation, the publication or availability of this site is prohibited. Persons to whom such restrictions apply must not access this site.

No Representation or Warranty

The information on this site is published in good faith but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by Hg Foundation or by any of its members or trustees as to its accuracy or completeness and it should not be relied on as such.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, Hg Foundation does not warrant that this site will be available at any time or that your access to the site will be uninterrupted, timely or free from viruses.

Hg Foundation does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, in respect to any potential work results and outcomes produced by the readers/ users of the guide. Hg Foundation does not warrant the output of, or promote or recommend the use of, any specific generative artificial intelligence tools (including but not limited to ChatGPT). It is the readers’/users’ sole responsibility to select an adequate generative artificial intelligence tool that provides sufficient security and fits for purpose.

In no event shall Hg Foundation be liable to any third party for any act, alleged act, omission or alleged omission that does not constitute wilful misconduct, gross negligence or fraud of Hg Foundation as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

External Sites

This site contains certain links that may give you access to external websites. Hg Foundation has not examined any of these websites and is not responsible for and accepts no liability in relation to these sites, their contents or for the goods, services and products that they offer. These links are for your convenience and you access these at your own risk.  We recommend that you read the privacy policy statement of any new site you visit.

Governing Law

These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

Privacy Policy

Hg Foundation respects your privacy and recognises the importance of protecting the personal information that we hold.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) sets out the rights that you have in respect of your personal information.  It also details examples of when we collect personal information, what personal information we collect, what purposes we use that information for, who we share that information with and how long we hold certain personal information for.

Scope of this Notice

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) applies to actual and potential grant recipients, donors, consultants, suppliers, advisers, business partners and associates, recruitment candidates and visitors to our office, events and website.


Hg Foundation may change this policy over time by updating this page. You can determine if the Policy has been revised since your last visit by referring to the “last updated” date at the bottom of the page.

This Policy was updated on 18th June 2020.

When we collect personal information

Hg Foundation collects information from or about you, e.g. when:

  • you are an actual or potential grant recipient, donor, consultant, supplier, advisor or business partner or associate;

  • you are a charitable institution, entrepreneurial leader or talented individual who is or may be interested in the work we do or the opportunities we provide;

  • you visit our website, sign up to our news notifications via any registration form on our website, or you engage with us on social media;

  • you contact us by any means with queries, interests or concerns or complete surveys we send you;

  • you have an appointment with us or have or will attend an event of ours, including one of our forums or networking dinners;

  • you visit one of our offices which have CCTV systems which record your image and operated for the security of both visitors and staff; and / or

  • you choose to provide us with your personal information during business encounters, for example in the form of a business card.

Hg Foundation may collect personal information from you directly, from public sources or from third parties, such as business associates or recruitment agents.

The personal information collected

The type of personal information that Hg Foundation collects depends on the legitimate purposes for which it is collected (see 2.3 below) but may include:

  • names, email addresses, phone numbers, job titles, places of work, work addresses, photos, career biographies, dietary requirements;

  • if you are an actual or potential grant recipient, donor, consultant, supplier, adviser or business partner, information required to verify your identity, including passports, identification documents and proof of home addresses for Know Your Customer, anti-money laundering, references, background checks and other similar checks;

  • any personal information that is contained in consultancy agreements, engagement letters or other forms of written agreements;

  • information gathered in relation to a recruitment opportunity, including your CV, which we may have received directly from you (e.g. via the email address info@thehgfoundation.com or, with your consent, from Hg Foundation staff or a third-party.


Hg Foundation also collects certain information about you automatically when you use our website. Cookies allow us to record certain information about you when you use our website, including details of your domain name, IP address, operating system and browser. This in turn will help us to understand your use of our website and enable the monitoring and improvement of our website. If you would prefer to block cookies please refer to the instructions or help service on your internet browser.

For further information about our use of cookies, please see our Cookies Notice.

Use of your personal information

We collect and use your information on the basis that:

  • it is in our or others’ legitimate interests to do so (as described below), and such interests are not overridden by your privacy interests;

  • it is reasonably necessary to meet our legal or regulatory responsibilities or when we make disclosures to courts, tribunals, authorities, regulators or supervisory or governmental bodies;

  • in some cases, it is necessary or desirable for us to enter into, and perform our obligations under our contract with you; and/or

  • we have obtained your consent.

Hg Foundation may use your information for the purposes of the following legitimate interests:

  • compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations, including our fiduciary duties ; requests for disclosures from a court, tribunal, authority, regulator or supervisory or governmental body; compliance with Know Your Customer and anti-money laundering requirements and references, background and other similar checks on or conducted by Hg Foundation;

  • searching, assessing and facilitating potential fundraising and value creation opportunities for Hg Foundation;

  • administering relationships, meetings and travels for employees, clients, business partners and experts; and / or

  • recruitment activities for Hg Foundation, including assessing your application for employment with us; evaluating potential candidates for recruitment processes;

  • ensuring our marketing efforts and publications are appropriately focused, including communicating with you about service updates, marketing and promotions based on your communication preferences; responding to your enquiries and resolving your complaints; improving our marketing materials to improve their relevance to those visiting our website and social media channels;

  • obtaining professional services from our lawyers, accountants, consultants and auditors.

If you would like further information on how we have balanced our and others’ legitimate interests against your privacy interests, please contact info@thehgfoundation.com

Who we share your information with

Hg group

Hg Foundation might share your information within the Hg group, including their portfolio companies (details of which you can find on the Hg website) and in certain circumstances, e.g. in relation to recruitment opportunities.

Third-party providers

Hg Foundation may share your information with third parties, including independent contractors or subcontractors (such as individuals who are engaged to assist Hg Foundation on specific projects), agents (such as recruitment agents and corporate secretarial services agents) and service providers (such as legal, consultancy, financing and paper archiving providers) who need to receive your information in the course of providing services for and on behalf of us for the purposes specified in this Policy.

Hg Foundation also might engage trusted third-party IT service and software providers to host, store and process data, e.g. information relating to donors or grant recipients in our CRM system.

Information will only be transferred or provided to third-party providers where reasonably necessary to enable us to fulfil the purposes set out in this Policy.  We will ensure that each such provider has agreed to protect and maintain the confidentiality and security of information we share with them.

Authorities as required or permitted by law

We may disclose your personal information: (a) as required or permitted by, or to comply with, applicable law, regulation, court or tribunal processes or other statutory requirements;  (b) respond to requests from or disclosures required by any court, tribunal, authority, regulator, stock exchange or supervisory or governmental body or (c) to comply with Know Your Customer and anti-money laundering requirements and references, background and other similar checks on or conducted by Hg Foundation.

Retention and deletion of information

Standard retention period

We will take all reasonable steps to retain personal data only for the duration of the purpose for which it was obtained as set out in this Privacy Policy (unless longer retention is required by the applicable law or regulation). We may keep an anonymised form of your personal information, which will no longer refer to you, for statistical purposes without time limits, to the extent that we have a legitimate and lawful interest in doing so.

Your rights

Data protection laws in some countries provide you with various rights. In particular, in the European Union, data protection laws provide rights to:

  • object to the processing of your information, e.g. because you would prefer us not to keep your details as part of recruitment opportunities;

  • be removed from our marketing lists or change your marketing preferences by contacting info@thehgfoundation.com;

  • request a copy of the information we hold about you;

  • withdraw consent to our processing of your information (to the extent that such processing is based on consent);

  • restrict our processing of your information;

  • ask that we delete or correct the information that we hold about you; and

  • ask for personal data you have made available to us to be transferred to you or a third party in machine-readable formats.

These rights are not absolute: they do not always apply and exemptions may be engaged. We may, in response to a request, ask you to verify your identity and to provide information that helps us to understand your request better. If we do not comply with your request, we will explain why.

To exercise any of these rights, or if you have any other questions about our use of your information, please contact us at info@thehgfoundation.com   

Protecting your information

Transferring information internationally

Like many global organisations, we use global systems and interact with other parties globally.  For example, Hg Foundation engages third-party IT service and software providers which host, store and process data in and outside of the European Economic Area (the “EEA”).  This means that your information may be transferred to a country outside the EEA – such as the US or other non-EEA countries. These countries may not offer the same level of data protection as in your home country, and may not be regarded by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of data protection. Where your information is transferred from within the EEA to a location outside of the EEA, care is taken to ensure that the transfer is subject to appropriate safeguards in accordance with data protection laws. To obtain a copy of these safeguards, please contact info@thehgfoundation.com


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy notice, or our privacy related practices, you can contact: info@thehgfoundation.com  

If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your information you have a right to complain to your local data protection regulator.

In the UK, your local regulator is the Information Commissioner, whose website is available at  https://ico.org.uk We are registered with the ICO under reference number ZA763993.

Cookies Notice

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that websites generate and ask to store on your computer. Most websites use cookies in one form or another.

They are typically used to:

  • remember settings, so you do not have to keep re-entering them whenever you visit a new page;

  • remember information you give to a website; and

  • measure how you use the website so we can make sure it meets your needs.

To learn more about cookies and how to manage them, visit https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/online/cookies/.

What cookies does Hg Foundation use?

The cookies used by the Hg Foundation website include:

  • Cookies set by Hg Foundation to establish your permission for us to use cookies;

  • Cookies set by our web platform, SquareSpace, to enable admin functions such as information about your browser settings, to understand which functionality to enable on the site, as well as to remember your choices. For example, if you filter a list of information we will remember your choice and default to that selection if you visit the page again. These choices are not tied to any personally identifiable information.

  • Cookies set by Google Analytics to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system. We do not link this information to your personal details.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. Cookies expires after a set amount of time, for example the expiry of cookies used by Google Analytics are set out below under “Measuring website usage”.

Declining cookies

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website and affect our ability to provide certain services to you.

Measuring website usage

Google Analytics is in use to collect information about how visitors use this site. This provides us with important information that can enable the site to work better. We do not link this information to your name or address.

The following cookies are used by Google Analytics:

Name                Typical content                               Cookie expires after

_utma Randomly generated ID 2 years

_utmb Randomly generated ID 30 minutes

_utmc Randomly generated ID Upon closing your web browser

_utmz Randomly generated ID 6 months

2 More London Riverside,
London SE1 2AP

Registered Charity no. 1189216

By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. We use cookies to provide you with a great experience and to help our website run effectively.